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To guarantee that your firm has prominence in the digital landscape, enlisting the services of a Northern Virginia-based digital marketing agency is a great next step. At Katzcy, Metrics and Analysis is one of our areas of expertise.

The Katzcy Promise

With our experience and a commitment to customer service, our staff works with you to establish clear goals and carry them through to success. The digital marketing metrics we track include the following and more:

1. Website Visits

This is the amount of people looking at your website. If the chosen marketing methods are working effectively, this number should increase over time.

2. Multi-Channel traffic

This is the way in which internet users arrive to your site. The most common channels we will measure are:

  • Direct – Direct visitors have typed your website’s URL directly into their browser’s search bar.
  • Organic – If users entered your website via clicking your link from a search engine result, they arrive organically.
  • Referral – This channel of traffic comes from users entering your website from a link on another website.
  • Social – Social media links are another channel that can direct traffic to your website. By increasing targeted ads or simply your own posts users are more likely to pay you a click. Analyzing this metric allows us to alter our digital marketing services, and focus on channels that are underperforming.

3. New Vs. Returning Visitors

If you are successful in attracting new visitors to your website, that indicates that your outreach has been successful in directing users to your site. If you can get those users to stay or return however, that proves that your site’s design and content leave a memorable impact.

4. Site Interaction

The way in which people navigate your site can clue us in to what parts of it may need editing, and which parts are helping the most to achieve conversions.

5. Conversion Rate

The ultimate goal of digital marketing is to convert website visitors into paying customers. With this metric of analysis, we can tell how many customers you are actually achieving and through what means.


Our digital marketing plan will be adjusted based on analysis on these metrics and more. We will communicate with you throughout the process to make sure you are on board.

Katzcy: See Your Business Grow

At Katzcy, we pride ourselves on our experience in developing businesses online. We will customize our digital marketing service to meet the specific needs of your brand. Named for the Cat’s Eye stone, our sheer dedication to increasing financial growth and opportunity has yielded a high rate of success for our previous clients. With our eye for detail and determination to fulfill your requests, you can trust that employing our service is the right choice for your technology company.

Contact us today to get started!